Sunday 3 April 2011

You are already a millionaire

So I called my friend Yvonne. Let me introduce Yvonne . You're gonna love her! I first came across Yvonne a few years back She was at a Mind Body and Spirit Fair and she was giving a talk. Before she d finished, I left the room , ran down to her stand and made sure that I got to see her that day . Yvonne had spent years training with Jack Temple , a master in vibrational medecine. I used to be a heavy smoker years earlier. Yvonne picked up on this , intuitively, and "cleared" my body of the residue effect of nicotine. I invited her to come and meet my parents. This was the first time that I'd ever introduced alternative therapy to my parents but there was an unbelievable certainty to my request that day. About a week later , Yvonne arrived at my parents home and got chatting with my Mum. Her biggest complaint at the time was the skin complaint Rosacea. Yvonne started to dowse*. She told my Mum that the primary cause of her rosacea came from her great grandmother on her fathers side and from an allergy to paraffin lamps! Crazy, I know ! "Yeah, yeah, whatever!" , we thought. Yvonnne then created an energetic "patch" for my Mum to use for 12 hours. With nothing to lose my Mum wore the patch for 12 hours but when she took it off, her rosacea became worse than it had ever been. Her face became bright red. It was so upsetting that I called Yvonne . "Whats happening?" I asked her. Yvonne was calm. "No need to worry" she assured me . Your Mum is detoxing. The treatment is working. The skin is one of our major ways to dispel toxins and your Mum is letting all go. After 3 days she ll be fine . Yvonne was right. My mums skin was back to normal after 3 days and she never had rosacea like that again. It was a miracle. I have since worked with Yvonne extensively and a few years ago I was thrilled to see Yvonne follow her passion and become a bee keeper. Her life up to that point had been serving others. Although she d helped hundreds of people like my mother, she was earning peanuts, so it was great to see her value herself and spend time doing what she loved to do.

So I called Yvonne tonite and I shared with her my idea of a vibrational essence to help people become a Money Magnet. Her words to me were " Marie-Claire , its already done. You realise that you are talking to a millionaire? " Yvonne had accumulated a million bees since Id last spoken to her! ( The amazing thing was that I had been trying to work out what a million looked like and I just couldn't imagine how I could count up a million of anything . I thought of grains of sand ...impossible . I learnt from Yvonne that a million bees looks like ten hives. Easy peasy!) Like me, Yvonne know that to BE a millionaire , you have to be a millionaire . And she shared with me that each of us has at least a million cells in us . We are already millionaires! You are a millionaire. Take a deep breath and allow it in . You are already a millonaire! You already have a million as part of you. In fact, if you want to expand a little more , accept that you have billions of cells with you . You are a billionaire ! Whooppee!! Its time to celebrate ! The only thing that's been stopping you so far is that you've been looking in the wrong direction. You havent been COMMITTED TO BECOMING A MILLIONAIRE OR BILLIONAIRE! Congratulations for finding this blog. You are now ready to accept that YOU ARE A BILLIONAIRE !!! I love you . Isn't life just absolutely gorgeous?


  1. Fantastic, mind blowingly fantastic. Colin

  2. Hi MC

    The answer is simple! Get 100,000 cynics each to bet you £10 you can't do it.




  3. hey I love it Rachel! Only you could come up with such a brilliant idea!!

  4. By the way , just wanted to let you know that the bees are multiplying, first to 1.5million and the latest report is that they have reached 2million!"!

    Now bees are intrinsically related to the bee keeper so Im keeping the right company here!

  5. A further synchronistic update on the bee theme ....This morning I receive an Easter card from my sister , with cash in it ...and the card says "Dont Worry....Bee Happy" and needless to say, it has a big bee on it!!

    On the back of the card was a great reminder that Neuroscientists in the US have declared Matthieu Ricard, the french translator of the Dalai Lama, to be the happiest man they have ever tested.
    Ricard, a former genetic scientist , used the scientific rigour of his early life with his practices as a buddhist monk to research how the brain functions better through meditation and happiness.

    The secret to becoming a millionaire is clearly to be INCREDIBLY UNBEARABLY HAPPY!!!!
