Saturday 23 April 2011

Asking for a £1million!

My brain was exploring EASY ways to create £1million by 2 July 2011 whilst I was getting on with answering my emails. It carried on whilst I was cleaning the kitchen and potting up some plants.

...and then it pops out with the easiest answer whilst Im on the phone to a millionaire later that afternoon.

"Well," I said to Peter*, the answer to my enquiry suddenly blindingly obvious to me, "The easiest way to attract £1million would be to ask someone for £1million"

"Thats great," he said , relatively calmly I thought, " But how would you repay them Marie-Claire?"

"Oh!" I said, " I wasnt thinking of a loan. I was thinking of someone giving me the gift of £1million."

It was out of my mouth before Id fully realised what I was saying and it felt great. I waited for Peter to protest at such a crazy thought...and he didnt. Maybe it wasnt such a crazy thought after all....

....and of course , I could then create £1million if I wanted to on the back of sales of the book!

1 comment:

  1. Just heard today of another friend who received a gift of £1million for his charity....hmmmm.
