Friday 15 April 2011

The magic of millions

Hey, Ive realised that I am in the middle of real magic occurring! Since declaring my intention to create £1million in three months, there has been a radical shift in how I feel about myself and the opportunities that I am attracting.

I realise that in committing to receive £1million , I am declaring that I am WORTHY of becoming a millionaire. I have started being someone who recognises their full value. Most importantly I have stopped TRYING to be better. I have stopped striving and pushing ....and in relaxing and trusting myself and my decisions, the wealth is coming to me , easily!

This week I attended a property network meeting. Normally I go looking for opportunities but this time I was relaxed and purely interested in meeting interesting people. It was a gorgeous evening and the opportunities dropped into my lap one by one! Now normally I can find one or two reasons not to progress with things like this ( I need to do more due diligence for example or "Im not sure if I can trust this person fully") This time however I kept my heart and ears open and by the end of the evening I had received a plan to be financially free in less than a year and a seperate opportunity for my money to triple within 10 years!

Now if you are reading this and your mind has already starting thinking of reasons why such opportunities could be dodgy, then be aware of how you may be blocking the wealth coming your way.

Of course I didnt sign up there and then on the night for anything. I trusted myself to make the right decisions with the information and contacts that I had received and within 24 hours I was finalising a very lucrative deal AND potentially earning myself some more by sharing what I had learnt with 2 friends!

My lesson was that sometimes
"Indecision can be the most costly decision you can make"

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