Friday 15 April 2011

Open yourself up to receive

I was chatting on the phone with my friend Rose today. As we were talking another call came through on my phone from my investment partner Gaynor. It prompted me to ask a question of Rose....

"Do you have a pension?" I asked.

Rose immediately responded " Marie-Claire , Im not interested in pensions! They're not worth the paper they're written on. Don't do it!" she declared forcefully and continued ranting for a short while about what she thought of pensions.

Finally I was able to respond, " Rose, I was just asking you if you had a pension." It was a simple question. At this point there was no actual indication of why I was asking the question. Rose had made up her own reason of why I was asking if she had a pension. She had ASSUMED that I was about to sell her a pension plan , or at the very least , persuade her to invest more in her pension and she was effectively saying "NO!" before I could say anything else!

She was saying "No!" to an opportunity without even realising it!

How many of us are so convinced that we are right about something that we can not hear anothers point of view?

When I pointed out to Rose what she had done , she LISTENED attentively to what I had to share. And as she opened up and became receptive, she found an opportunity to triple her income without having to work a day extra!!

Rose had just exercised her Money Magnet Muscle!

Rose could now say "yes,I am now a Money Magnet!"

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