Friday 15 April 2011

Richard Branson and I on stage 2 July!

They say that everything starts with a dream.

One of my dreams is to not only meet Richard Branson and Anthony Robbins when they come to Londontown on 2 July but to share the stage with them!

This morning I received an email from one of my clients.
He had called up the event organisers to book his ticket and explained that he had heard about the event from his coach , Marie-Claire Carlyle , author of "How to become a Money Magnet!"

and do you know what they said?

" Oh , if only we'd known about her beforehand ! We could have done with a female speaker in the line up!!"

So watch this space!

I am quite happy to put myself forward as an understudy!!!:)

1 comment:

  1. hey, if you fancy joining Richard (and I!) at the cocktail party , get in touch! The tickets are for sale publicly at £1267 plus VAT

    ....but if you drop me an email at , Ill let you know how you can get them for a ridiculously low price!

    ( Its so low that Im not allowed to publish it on the net)

    Lets just say its a present from me for keeping up with this secret blog :)
