Saturday 23 April 2011

From rags to riches, doing what you love

Its Easter Saturday and Ive been feeling the effects of one too many summer parties over the last few days. Its amazing how your mood and general level of optimism dips when youre not in full physical shape. Clearly the secret to being a Money Magnet is to look after and value ourselves and I can tell you that this morning the figure of £1million in 3 months was looking very daunting indeed!

So what did I do to lift my spirits? Well , I did the household jobs that needed doing before a friend arrives this evening. I then lay down and had a 30 minute meditation.
Then I received a phonecall saying that my friend was delayed. Wonderful synchronicity as this meant that I could dedicate myself to clearing my in tray ( remember , if in doubt when creating money ALWAYS keep clearing your clutter!) and getting my accounts up to date (for peace of mind if nothing else!)

I went about these tasks in a committed relaxed fashion , ignoring the temptation to surrender to my threatening negative thoughts. And of course as I took action, I felt much better

...and then I received the phone call that was to put me back on track, "quite by chance!" It was my good friend John who Id missed seeing this week and it was lovely to ignore my accounts for a while and enjoy a friendly indulgent chat with him. Towards the end of the phone call John then shared a lovely true story which lifted my mood considerably and reminded me that it is possibly to become a millionaire doing what you love!

He told me of a friend of a friend , lets call him Mark, who hadnt really done much since University. He earned a living from doing the odd bits of translation work and managed to just about get by on a fairly meagre living. Then he was asked to translate a particuliar novel. He was given the option of being paid OR receiving royalties from sales of the book. Intuitively he chose the royalty option. Sales of the book went crazy worldwide , and almost overnight Mark went from being skint to having over £900,000 in his bank account. He is now a millionaire! Whoopee!!

Did you like that story?
What story would you like for yourself?

I definitely prefer the stories where the wealth occurs easily!

PS The translator of my book into spanish is attending the next London Money Magnet workshop in London ...I wonder if she chose payment in royalties...?!

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