Saturday 23 April 2011

Asking for a £1million!

My brain was exploring EASY ways to create £1million by 2 July 2011 whilst I was getting on with answering my emails. It carried on whilst I was cleaning the kitchen and potting up some plants.

...and then it pops out with the easiest answer whilst Im on the phone to a millionaire later that afternoon.

"Well," I said to Peter*, the answer to my enquiry suddenly blindingly obvious to me, "The easiest way to attract £1million would be to ask someone for £1million"

"Thats great," he said , relatively calmly I thought, " But how would you repay them Marie-Claire?"

"Oh!" I said, " I wasnt thinking of a loan. I was thinking of someone giving me the gift of £1million."

It was out of my mouth before Id fully realised what I was saying and it felt great. I waited for Peter to protest at such a crazy thought...and he didnt. Maybe it wasnt such a crazy thought after all....

....and of course , I could then create £1million if I wanted to on the back of sales of the book!

From rags to riches, doing what you love

Its Easter Saturday and Ive been feeling the effects of one too many summer parties over the last few days. Its amazing how your mood and general level of optimism dips when youre not in full physical shape. Clearly the secret to being a Money Magnet is to look after and value ourselves and I can tell you that this morning the figure of £1million in 3 months was looking very daunting indeed!

So what did I do to lift my spirits? Well , I did the household jobs that needed doing before a friend arrives this evening. I then lay down and had a 30 minute meditation.
Then I received a phonecall saying that my friend was delayed. Wonderful synchronicity as this meant that I could dedicate myself to clearing my in tray ( remember , if in doubt when creating money ALWAYS keep clearing your clutter!) and getting my accounts up to date (for peace of mind if nothing else!)

I went about these tasks in a committed relaxed fashion , ignoring the temptation to surrender to my threatening negative thoughts. And of course as I took action, I felt much better

...and then I received the phone call that was to put me back on track, "quite by chance!" It was my good friend John who Id missed seeing this week and it was lovely to ignore my accounts for a while and enjoy a friendly indulgent chat with him. Towards the end of the phone call John then shared a lovely true story which lifted my mood considerably and reminded me that it is possibly to become a millionaire doing what you love!

He told me of a friend of a friend , lets call him Mark, who hadnt really done much since University. He earned a living from doing the odd bits of translation work and managed to just about get by on a fairly meagre living. Then he was asked to translate a particuliar novel. He was given the option of being paid OR receiving royalties from sales of the book. Intuitively he chose the royalty option. Sales of the book went crazy worldwide , and almost overnight Mark went from being skint to having over £900,000 in his bank account. He is now a millionaire! Whoopee!!

Did you like that story?
What story would you like for yourself?

I definitely prefer the stories where the wealth occurs easily!

PS The translator of my book into spanish is attending the next London Money Magnet workshop in London ...I wonder if she chose payment in royalties...?!

Friday 15 April 2011

Richard Branson and I on stage 2 July!

They say that everything starts with a dream.

One of my dreams is to not only meet Richard Branson and Anthony Robbins when they come to Londontown on 2 July but to share the stage with them!

This morning I received an email from one of my clients.
He had called up the event organisers to book his ticket and explained that he had heard about the event from his coach , Marie-Claire Carlyle , author of "How to become a Money Magnet!"

and do you know what they said?

" Oh , if only we'd known about her beforehand ! We could have done with a female speaker in the line up!!"

So watch this space!

I am quite happy to put myself forward as an understudy!!!:)

Open yourself up to receive

I was chatting on the phone with my friend Rose today. As we were talking another call came through on my phone from my investment partner Gaynor. It prompted me to ask a question of Rose....

"Do you have a pension?" I asked.

Rose immediately responded " Marie-Claire , Im not interested in pensions! They're not worth the paper they're written on. Don't do it!" she declared forcefully and continued ranting for a short while about what she thought of pensions.

Finally I was able to respond, " Rose, I was just asking you if you had a pension." It was a simple question. At this point there was no actual indication of why I was asking the question. Rose had made up her own reason of why I was asking if she had a pension. She had ASSUMED that I was about to sell her a pension plan , or at the very least , persuade her to invest more in her pension and she was effectively saying "NO!" before I could say anything else!

She was saying "No!" to an opportunity without even realising it!

How many of us are so convinced that we are right about something that we can not hear anothers point of view?

When I pointed out to Rose what she had done , she LISTENED attentively to what I had to share. And as she opened up and became receptive, she found an opportunity to triple her income without having to work a day extra!!

Rose had just exercised her Money Magnet Muscle!

Rose could now say "yes,I am now a Money Magnet!"

The magic of millions

Hey, Ive realised that I am in the middle of real magic occurring! Since declaring my intention to create £1million in three months, there has been a radical shift in how I feel about myself and the opportunities that I am attracting.

I realise that in committing to receive £1million , I am declaring that I am WORTHY of becoming a millionaire. I have started being someone who recognises their full value. Most importantly I have stopped TRYING to be better. I have stopped striving and pushing ....and in relaxing and trusting myself and my decisions, the wealth is coming to me , easily!

This week I attended a property network meeting. Normally I go looking for opportunities but this time I was relaxed and purely interested in meeting interesting people. It was a gorgeous evening and the opportunities dropped into my lap one by one! Now normally I can find one or two reasons not to progress with things like this ( I need to do more due diligence for example or "Im not sure if I can trust this person fully") This time however I kept my heart and ears open and by the end of the evening I had received a plan to be financially free in less than a year and a seperate opportunity for my money to triple within 10 years!

Now if you are reading this and your mind has already starting thinking of reasons why such opportunities could be dodgy, then be aware of how you may be blocking the wealth coming your way.

Of course I didnt sign up there and then on the night for anything. I trusted myself to make the right decisions with the information and contacts that I had received and within 24 hours I was finalising a very lucrative deal AND potentially earning myself some more by sharing what I had learnt with 2 friends!

My lesson was that sometimes
"Indecision can be the most costly decision you can make"

Tuesday 12 April 2011

July is the month for millions

Guess what just dropped into my inbox?

A message about wealth coming in July!

Just in case you don't remember , my deadline for £1million in my personal bank account is 2 July and this is the message I received today :


Calendar for July 2011

Money bags
During July 2011, there are 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays. - This only happens once every 823 years!

Based on Chinese Feng Shui this phenomenon is called "Money Bags," so, according to custom you should forward this to your friends and money will arrive within 4 days!

It also says "he who who does not forward will be without money."

Now normally I never forward messages like this because I dont believe in conditional giving ie you must give or else!

But in this case, it was such a wonderful coincidence that I couldnt help sharing it with as many people as possible via this blog.

How much money are you going to create in July??

Sunday 3 April 2011

You are already a millionaire

So I called my friend Yvonne. Let me introduce Yvonne . You're gonna love her! I first came across Yvonne a few years back She was at a Mind Body and Spirit Fair and she was giving a talk. Before she d finished, I left the room , ran down to her stand and made sure that I got to see her that day . Yvonne had spent years training with Jack Temple , a master in vibrational medecine. I used to be a heavy smoker years earlier. Yvonne picked up on this , intuitively, and "cleared" my body of the residue effect of nicotine. I invited her to come and meet my parents. This was the first time that I'd ever introduced alternative therapy to my parents but there was an unbelievable certainty to my request that day. About a week later , Yvonne arrived at my parents home and got chatting with my Mum. Her biggest complaint at the time was the skin complaint Rosacea. Yvonne started to dowse*. She told my Mum that the primary cause of her rosacea came from her great grandmother on her fathers side and from an allergy to paraffin lamps! Crazy, I know ! "Yeah, yeah, whatever!" , we thought. Yvonnne then created an energetic "patch" for my Mum to use for 12 hours. With nothing to lose my Mum wore the patch for 12 hours but when she took it off, her rosacea became worse than it had ever been. Her face became bright red. It was so upsetting that I called Yvonne . "Whats happening?" I asked her. Yvonne was calm. "No need to worry" she assured me . Your Mum is detoxing. The treatment is working. The skin is one of our major ways to dispel toxins and your Mum is letting all go. After 3 days she ll be fine . Yvonne was right. My mums skin was back to normal after 3 days and she never had rosacea like that again. It was a miracle. I have since worked with Yvonne extensively and a few years ago I was thrilled to see Yvonne follow her passion and become a bee keeper. Her life up to that point had been serving others. Although she d helped hundreds of people like my mother, she was earning peanuts, so it was great to see her value herself and spend time doing what she loved to do.

So I called Yvonne tonite and I shared with her my idea of a vibrational essence to help people become a Money Magnet. Her words to me were " Marie-Claire , its already done. You realise that you are talking to a millionaire? " Yvonne had accumulated a million bees since Id last spoken to her! ( The amazing thing was that I had been trying to work out what a million looked like and I just couldn't imagine how I could count up a million of anything . I thought of grains of sand ...impossible . I learnt from Yvonne that a million bees looks like ten hives. Easy peasy!) Like me, Yvonne know that to BE a millionaire , you have to be a millionaire . And she shared with me that each of us has at least a million cells in us . We are already millionaires! You are a millionaire. Take a deep breath and allow it in . You are already a millonaire! You already have a million as part of you. In fact, if you want to expand a little more , accept that you have billions of cells with you . You are a billionaire ! Whooppee!! Its time to celebrate ! The only thing that's been stopping you so far is that you've been looking in the wrong direction. You havent been COMMITTED TO BECOMING A MILLIONAIRE OR BILLIONAIRE! Congratulations for finding this blog. You are now ready to accept that YOU ARE A BILLIONAIRE !!! I love you . Isn't life just absolutely gorgeous?